Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Music Is More Important Than Sports
Music Is More Important Than Sports
In my opinion I totally agree that music is more important than sports because of these reasons. First of all you could be into sports or music it really just depends if you like either one of them. So these are all my opinions and reasons on why I think music is more important than sports.
Firstly music can make you happy if you are angry or depressed for me when I listen to music it makes me want to dance and sing. In addition music can motivate you to become a famous singer or make you want to learn a musical instrument or even join a band there are plenty of things you can do with music. Then if you decide to become a singer or a musician than you will get a chance to perform all of the world in front of millions of people.
On the other hand there is sports. Sports is fun, sports isn't just the basic sports like rugby, netball, swimming it can also be running, dancing, gymnastics anything really. Also sports is good for you because of the fitness. If you decide about becoming an athlete or a famous rugby player than do it! Strive for success and work hard. Lastly sports isn’t just about winning it's about having fun and giving it your best shot.
Lastly you might be into music or sports it really doesn’t matter if you're into either of them just try your hardest and achieve your goal because you never know you may become an inspiration to other people all over the world. Do what you want to do and make it happen whatever makes you happy then do it!
Over all these are just my opinions of music and sports I definitely think that music is way more important than sports but again these are just my opinions and reasons so you may agree or disagree with me. This is what I believe in, I believe that music is more important than sports.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Party Vote
Labour Party Vote
Im voting for labour because of there good policies. First of all I like that they are going to improve our health in schools so that we can get better health care. Cleaning rivers, Not much people swim in our rivers because of the pollution and all of the rubbish so maybe more people will swim in our rivers.
I think it's a good idea that they are going to build more affordable house’s so that everybody can have a house so when people that live out on the streets can have a opportunity to have a house. Labour is helping our community safety by extending the number of sworn police and wearing the right stuff also helping out for family violence.
I like how labour is going to provide children for a good start in life so children don't have to put up with violence and abuse. Here is an other police I like which is our civil defense. They are planning to make our civil defense better for our country so if any people from other countries come and plant bombs or come with guns the civil will be able to stop the people from doing that so then our country can become crime free! They are also going to end secondary tax which is a good thing.
Labour is going to put $6b over four years into our education system. They are wanting to make worned out school buildings to a modern school by 2030 which I thinks a good thing because we could have more schools that are suitable for kids to learn.
Monday, 25 September 2017
Thursday, 17 August 2017
How To Make Corn Soup And Garlic Bread
Corn Soup And Garlic Bread
Creamy Corn In a Can
Mug or bowl
Garlic and herb butter
One Onion
Chopping board
Tablespoon or a spoon
Tin foil
Soup spoon
Salt and pepper optional
- Peel the onion skin off and chop up the onions finely.
- Cut 6 slices of bacon and cut it finely and add the onion and bacon into the pan.
- Put the pan on the oven and turn it on to high cook until brown.
- Add the can of creamy corn soup into a pot also add the other mixture.
- Add 2 tsp of flour
- Stir it with the spoon
- At the same time pour the milk little by little to the right consistency that you want your soup to be.
- Add salt or pepper to the soup for seasoning.
- Using a knife cut the bread till halfway
- Spread on the garlic and herb butter into the slots
- Wrap it up in tin foil and put it on the tray
- Put it in the oven till 10-15 mins
- Then grab it out of the oven
- Enjoy your soup and garlic bread!
I really loved it it was yummy and I would definitely make it again at home.
By Aimee
Thursday, 3 August 2017
How To Make Scones
One measuring cup
Baking tray
Baking powder
Jam optional
Nutella optional
Honey optional
Butter knife
- Get a bowl and pour three cups of flour.
- Get two teaspoons of baking powder and add it into the bowl.
- Get 50 grams of butter and then knead the butter with your hands.
- Pour one cup of milk slowly to the mixture and then slowly mix it with your hands.
- Pour some flour on the table.
- Then put the mixture onto the flour and knead it into a blob.
- Then cut it into to squares and make a circle then put it on a tray.
- Cook it into the oven at the temperature of 200. and leave it in the oven for 15 mins. By Aimee
Saturday, 24 June 2017
Banana Oatmeal Cookies
Banana Oatmeal Cookies 
Learning Intentions: We are learning to write and follow a recipe
Instructions - Watch the movie and then write the recipe. Once you have the recipe and instructions correct you will be able to make your cookies.
Title Banana Choc Cookies
Goal Make banana choc chip cookies
Ingredients 2 ripe bananas,
1 full cup of regular rolled oats,
1/2 cup of choc chips
You need:
Test I thought it tasted good but I think it would taste better if there was less chocolate chips it was really sweet but other than that I really enjoyed it and I would make them again they are quick and simple.
Before I made they cookies I watched a video on how to make them and then I wrote a recipe with having all of the materials and ingredients I had so much fun making them. |
Monday, 12 June 2017
Castle midnight
Castle Midnight
As the strange looking creature carried the carriage through the smoky inky black clouds. Behind the creature there was the coach man that was the grand masters slave he was tightly hanging on to the rope with his sweaty greasy hands. The door was wide open there was two mystery strangers in their who could it be? They’re the grand master and his assistant they were up to something nobody never knew. No one never disobeyed the grand master that ruled evil if they did the master would torture people and make them as his slaves and nobody could possibly escape. Both of them were talking like two giggly girls at a sleepover the spoke in a very unusual language that is ,are you ready? Here it is hbguglhvhvkgvkjgjhgsygukagxqkh yes it is a very unusual and strange language.
The had got there plan which didn’t look pleasant. They were going to rule castle midnight and if there was anybody there they would turn them into zombies and vampires to make his army stronger. The grand master and his assistant walked right up to the castle and opened the squeaky door that squeaked like a mouse. They searched everywhere for something that was the most powerful thing in the whole world. His assistant found this big old ancient looking chest that he was going to open it but the grand master yelled hfehehhebebjbdh! Which I will translate that into english, “How dare You open that chest! Sorry said his assistant, You are pathetic and weak you are no longer my assainst said the grand master. The assistant was very upset on what the grand master said to him. He ran to the carriage as quick as a wink he cried like a girl for hours and hours.
Ugh the grand master sighed ahh now where was I oh yes. He opened the chest with a crackling sound . oohhh it's finally mine the grand master said in a very exciting voice, he was about to pick it up with his old wrinkled hands until… “STOP”!!!! Said the coach man Ohh what do you want said the grand master “don't touch that it can kill you” replied the coachman. “Like how do you know”? Replied the grand master. “I have read about the amulet in a book it is very dangerous”, Well I guess we have to go then until I come back eventually. The grand master was walking out of the castle to the dark misted carriage, suddenly the coach man picked up the amulet with his sweaty hands and he turned into this unusual looking beast bigger than a giant. He ate the grand master and his assistant with big gulps every second making terrible noises. Will the coach man be the new grand master? Nobody knew what the beast’s was going to do next It was a mystery. But the beast was the ruler of castle Midnight.
By Aimee Lunn
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Donut making
On Thursday the year 6 did cooking while the year 7 and 8’s were at the high school for technology. We went down to the library at 9:30 after kapa haka. We made donuts. We were there to learn to cook donuts.
I really liked the donuts and had so much fun learning to make them. I thought that they were really yummy and a nice treat.
By Aimee
Friday, 2 June 2017
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
A Child In World War One
A Child In World War One
In 1914 the 28th of July A little girl named Susan had a really extraordinary experience being in the war. Here is the story, she had two different families.
Hi my name is Susan my last name is Luka and I live in New Zealand. My dad was fighting in the war fighting for freedom for our country.
While I was knitting my mum told me that my dad left home in 1915 the 8th of July when they were asking for men for their army. I was shocked and surprised I asked my mum “When is dad coming home?” “I don’t know sweetie” my mum said. “But guess what” what? I said “we are going to say goodbye to dad” replied my mum. I was so excited we walked down to the train station and my mum gave my dad a kiss and a hug. I rushed to my dad and gave him a big hug and I said “I love you dad” “I love you too sweetie” “be good for mum” said my dad and I shooked my head. As me and my mum waved our hands and said goodbye mum started to cry so I gave her a big hug.
We slowly walked back home and I was thinking dad would be on a great adventure. We got home and I helped mum hang out the washing. It was 7:30 pm and it was time for me to go to bed my mom tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead and she said “Good night sweet dreams my darling girl” I said “Good night mum”. As she left the room I was just laying there staring at the ceiling I eventually fell asleep. I woke up at 12: 30 at night I was missing my dad he has so I decided to get changed and go to the war. I slowly walked out of my room and lit a candle and walked out the door. I was a little bit worried and scared I needed somebody by my side like a sister or a brother I have been wanting one for all my life. Half an hour past by I kept on going and I was thinking there’s no way i'm going to get there but I kept going.
Another half an hour went past I was so exhausted but suddenly I found a plane I was like “wow this is going to be fun” so I hopped into the plane started the engine and of I went. It was a little scary at first but I got used to it. But then the plane started to come down to the ground I was panicking I thought I was going to die. It exploded by me and I went flying. But I arrived at the war.
I saw this girl flying in the air from the explosion I was trying to find the girl but I couldn’t find the girl anywhere. She left her bag there I picked it up and took it with me for my journey. This lady came walking to me and she said “Are you a girl that cooks”? “Ummmm yes” I didn’t know what she meant. “ Alright then get back in the kitchen”. I went into the kitchen and smelt the food I was getting a bit hungry so I pinched a piece of bread and then I ran. I suddenly felt this pain in my ankle. There was this guy that was shooting at a foe and I got in the way he screamed “Get out of the way”! I quickly did a roly poly and ran as fast as I could it was scary and fun.
I decided to go back to the cook station because I was bored. I couldn’t find my dad anywhere I thought for a second he might have died. I stayed at an orphanage for a couple of months I know I would be in big trouble when I get back home but I really wanted to see my dad. It was time for my dad to come back I was so excited but I was worried but he didn’t come back. I slowly walked to flanders field as tears were slowly dripping down my eyes I picked a poppy I was searching for two hours and I couldn’t find his grave I was like “yay he’s alive!”. So I ran back to the war he must be somewhere I mumbled. I was still running I heard a gunshot I saw my dad I ran as fast as I could to him but I saw this other kid running to my dad I was shocked that some other kid was running to my dad. I thought my dad loved me I started running towards the kid I was so ANGRY and frustrated that kid pushed me over to the ground and I said “what was that for?” “what are you talking about this is my dad” “No you want” My dad said “You two look exactly the same” “are you guys twins”? “Ummmm I don’t know we don’t know each other” She said What's your name? I said “my name is Susan” She said her name was Susie “wow cool name we nearly have the same names”. She said yeah…… “So dad are we twins? “Yes you guys are” we went on a plane and off we went. I said “dad why didn’t you tell me? “Well it’s a long story”. I couldn’t believe it I had a twin sister it was amazing I was so happy My mum said yes I could live with her I gave her a hug and said “good bye”.
The end
Monday, 15 May 2017
Friday, 7 April 2017
Top Team
Top Team
The second game we did was another water game which was a balancing game and you had to walk over ramps and steps. Maddie held the balancing thing and Corbin B and Blake fell up the buckets to half way and Maddie walked over the ramp and failed the first time but she did it the second time. We all had turns when it came to my turn I only got to the ramp bit and I was half way then the bucket fell. When Maddie had her last turn she slipped and landed on her back and it happened to Blake as well it was hilarious.
I really enjoyed going to top team I had a lot of fun and I want to do participate next year and just have some fun. My favourite game was the hoops and the water games.
We are learning to write using a mixture of simple complex,compound sentences.
We need to use correct punctuation in sentences at the beginning and the end.
We are also looking at using commas and grammar for our spelling.
We need to use the correct tense past, present, future, tense.
Duffy Visitor
On Wednesday the 5th Diana Queenin came to Blaketown school to talk about her treasures she bought and discovered around the world, and marine animals and dinosaurs.
Second thing she talked about was the geodes, she showed us a rock and it was cut in half she opened and there was good in the rock which surprised me they looked very pretty and sparkly. She told us there is a cave in Mexico that had a whole bunch of heroes in the cave even bigger than our hall, But it was blocked of and nobody was allowed in the cave.
Last thing she talked about was the Dinosaur poo it was funny because she gave it to Fynely and he thought it was a rock and she told him its dinosaur poo and pulled a face and put gave it to the person beside him. The dinosaur poo was over 52 million years ago I was like wow.
I really enjoyed learning about marine life, snakes and goes my favourite part was the dinosaur poo when Fynely thought it was just a rock.
We are learning to write using a mixture of simple complex,compound sentences.
We need to use correct punctuation in sentences at the beginning and the end.
We are also looking at using commas and grammar for our spelling.
We need to use the correct tense past, present, future, tense.
Safe Cycling
On Tuesday the 3rd we had safe cycling Constable Jos and constable Terry came to help/teach Room2 on how to ride a bike safely on the road, 8 people borrowed Constable Jos bikes and the rest of us brought our own bikes.
First Constable Jos came into our classroom and talked about the reflects on a bike and why it's important to wear a helmet. He talked to us to 10:30 which was our morning tea time, After play we grabbed our bikes and helmets and did the m check, the m check is when you have to check your bolts, tyres, nuts, to see if they were tightened.
After the obstacle course and the challenge it was lunch time and after lunch we went on the road, we were learning hand signals, road rules, look over your right shoulder, 1 meter from the kerb and how to put on your helmet correctly. We all had to wear this vest that had numbers on them I was number three I was really nervous but I was glad I was number three. They told us when to use our hand signals, look over your right shoulder to see if cars were coming and that you had to be one meter from the kerb. We all went two times and they talked what we could improve and practice for next time.
I learned how to use hand signals with the correct hands and the M check. I really enjoyed doing safe cycling it was awesome my favourite part was the obstacle course and when I got stuck in the ladder.
We are learning to write using a mixture of simple complex,compound sentences.
We need to use correct punctuation in sentences at the beginning and the end.
We are also looking at using commas and grammar for our spelling.
We need to use the correct tense past, present, future, tense.
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