Monday, 12 June 2017

Castle midnight

Castle Midnight

As the strange looking creature carried the carriage through the smoky inky black clouds. Behind the creature there was the coach man that was the grand masters slave he was tightly hanging on to the rope with his sweaty greasy hands. The door was wide open there was two mystery strangers in their who could it be? They’re the grand master and his assistant they were up to something nobody never knew. No one never disobeyed the grand master that ruled evil if they did the master would torture people and make them as his slaves and nobody could possibly escape. Both of them were talking like two giggly girls at a sleepover  the spoke in a very unusual language that is ,are you ready? Here it is hbguglhvhvkgvkjgjhgsygukagxqkh yes it is a very unusual and strange language.

The had got there plan which didn’t look pleasant. They were going to rule castle midnight  and if there was anybody there they would turn them into zombies and vampires to make his army stronger. The grand master and his assistant walked  right up to the castle and opened the squeaky door that squeaked like a mouse. They  searched everywhere for something that was the most powerful thing in the whole world. His assistant found this big old ancient looking chest that he was going to open it but the grand master yelled hfehehhebebjbdh! Which I will translate that into english, “How dare You open that chest! Sorry said his assistant, You are pathetic and weak you are no longer my assainst said the grand master. The assistant was very upset on what the grand master said to him. He ran to the carriage as quick as a wink he cried like a girl for hours and hours.

Ugh the grand master sighed ahh now where was I oh yes. He opened the chest with a crackling sound . oohhh it's finally mine the grand master said in a very exciting voice, he was about to pick it up with his old wrinkled hands until… “STOP”!!!! Said the coach man Ohh what do you want said the grand master “don't touch that it can kill you” replied the coachman. “Like how do you know”? Replied the grand master. “I have read about the amulet  in a book it is very dangerous”, Well I guess we have to go then until I come back eventually. The grand master was walking out of the castle to the dark misted carriage, suddenly the coach man picked up the amulet with his sweaty hands and he turned into this unusual looking beast bigger than a giant.  He ate the grand master and his assistant with big gulps every second making terrible noises. Will the coach man be the new grand master? Nobody knew what the beast’s  was going to do next It was a mystery. But the beast was the ruler of castle Midnight.  

By Aimee Lunn

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