Friday, 7 April 2017

Duffy Visitor

P1010122.JPGDuffy Visitor
On Wednesday the 5th Diana Queenin came to Blaketown school to talk about her treasures she bought and discovered around the world, and marine animals and dinosaurs.

P1010132.JPGFirst she talked about sting rays and orca’s. She talked about the stingray's barb which is a weapon if predators come. Barbs help them balance if they didn’t have a barb they would sink to the ground. Orcas are sting rays enemy orcas eat stingrays the first go for the barb the rip it out and spit it out and chase them till they are eaten. Then she talked about horseshoe crabs they have 10 eyes they are creepy and really gross if you ever touched them and saw a real one alive.

Second thing she talked about was the geodes, she showed us a rock and it was cut in half she opened and there was good in the rock which surprised me they looked very pretty and sparkly. She told us there is a cave in Mexico that had a whole bunch of heroes in the cave even bigger than our hall, But it was blocked of and nobody was allowed in the cave.

P1010134.JPGShe talked about snakes skin. She had a snake's skin from a Egyptian cobra she said she had to wait ages for the snake to shed its skin. It looked very fascinating and cool. A snake swallows a whole person and you can tell if you see one because it will be all big and fat.

Last thing she talked about was the Dinosaur poo it was funny because she gave it to Fynely and he thought it was a rock and she told him its dinosaur poo and pulled a face and put gave it to the person beside him. The dinosaur poo was over 52 million years ago I was like wow.

I really enjoyed learning about marine life, snakes and goes my favourite part was the dinosaur poo when Fynely thought it was just a rock.

We are learning to write using a mixture of simple complex,compound sentences.
We need to use correct punctuation in sentences at the beginning and the end.
We are also looking at using commas and grammar for our spelling.
We need to use the correct tense past, present, future, tense.

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