Safe Cycling
On Tuesday the 3rd we had safe cycling Constable Jos and constable Terry came to help/teach Room2 on how to ride a bike safely on the road, 8 people borrowed Constable Jos bikes and the rest of us brought our own bikes.
First Constable Jos came into our classroom and talked about the reflects on a bike and why it's important to wear a helmet. He talked to us to 10:30 which was our morning tea time, After play we grabbed our bikes and helmets and did the m check, the m check is when you have to check your bolts, tyres, nuts, to see if they were tightened.
Second thing we got on our bikes and constable Terry came and they set up this zig zag obstacle course with two ramps one was small and the other one was big, there also was the ladder. I struggled on the big ramp and the ladder it was fun and funny but I tried really hard. Next we did a challenge to see who could ride their bikes the slowest to the white line and who ever was the best it would be the final challenge against 4 or 5 people and they were William, Jessica, Fynely, Patrick and Maddie. Patrick won the challenge you try to be the last person it was really hard but I enjoyed it.
After the obstacle course and the challenge it was lunch time and after lunch we went on the road, we were learning hand signals, road rules, look over your right shoulder, 1 meter from the kerb and how to put on your helmet correctly. We all had to wear this vest that had numbers on them I was number three I was really nervous but I was glad I was number three. They told us when to use our hand signals, look over your right shoulder to see if cars were coming and that you had to be one meter from the kerb. We all went two times and they talked what we could improve and practice for next time.
I learned how to use hand signals with the correct hands and the M check. I really enjoyed doing safe cycling it was awesome my favourite part was the obstacle course and when I got stuck in the ladder.
We are learning to write using a mixture of simple complex,compound sentences.
We need to use correct punctuation in sentences at the beginning and the end.
We are also looking at using commas and grammar for our spelling.
We need to use the correct tense past, present, future, tense.