Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Music Is More Important Than Sports

Music Is More Important Than Sports
In my opinion I totally agree that music is more important than sports because of these reasons. First of all you could be into sports or music it really just depends if you like either one of them. So these are all my opinions and reasons on why I think music is more important than sports.

Firstly music can make you happy if you are angry or depressed for me when I listen to music it makes me want to dance and sing. In addition music can motivate you to become a famous singer or make you want to learn a musical instrument or even join a band there are plenty of things you can do with music. Then if you decide to become a singer or a musician than you will get a chance to perform all of the world in front of millions of people.

On the other hand there is sports. Sports is fun, sports isn't just the basic sports like rugby, netball, swimming it can also be running, dancing, gymnastics anything really. Also sports is good for you because of the fitness. If you decide about becoming an athlete or a famous rugby player than do it! Strive for success and work hard. Lastly sports isn’t just about winning it's about having fun and giving it your best shot.

Lastly you might be into music or sports it really doesn’t matter if you're into either of them just try your hardest and achieve your goal because you never know you may become an inspiration to other people all over the world. Do what you want to do and make it happen whatever makes you happy then do it!

Over all these are just my opinions of music and sports I definitely think that music is way more important than sports but again these are just my opinions and reasons so you may agree or disagree with me. This is what I believe in, I believe that music is more important than sports.
